SPECIALIZATION: Arctic hydrology, snow processes, runoff, process modelling, climate change, arctic deltas, development impacts on northern hydrologic systems
Ph.D. Geography, McMaster University, Hamilton, 1983.
Dissertation: “Ripening processes and meltwater movement in arctic snowpacks”, 179p.
M.Sc. Geography, McMaster University, Hamilton, 1978.
Dissertation: “Water balance of a small high arctic basin”, 108 p.
B.A. Geography, York University, Toronto, 1975.
Dissertation: “Fabric analysis of the Sunnybrook Till at Scarborough Bluffs, Ontario”, 120 p.
2013 – present. Professor and Canada Research Chair, Wilfrid Laurier University
2013 – present. Research Scientist Emeritus, Environment Canada.
2002 – 2013. Research Scientist, Level 4 and Project Chief “Hydrological
Processes and Modelling” at Environment Canada’s National Hydrology
Research Centre, Saskatoon.
1999 – 2002. Research Scientist, Level 4
1992 – 1999. Research Scientist, Level 3
1988 – present. Adjunct Professor, Department of Geography, University of Saskatchewan.
1985 – 1992. Research Scientist, Level 2
1983 – 1985. Research Scientist, Level 1, National Hydrology Research Institute, Environment Canada, Ottawa and Saskatoon, Sask.
1977 ‑ 1978 Hydrologist, Interdisciplinary Systems, Ltd., Edmonton, Alberta.
Canadian Geophysical Union, J. Tuzo Wilson Medal winner, 2014.
Fellow, Arctic Institute of North America, 2002.
International/National Societies and Commissions
International Arctic Science Committee, Terrestrial. Working Group. Canadian Representative, Polar Knowledge Canada
Vice President. International Association of Snow and Ice Hydrology, 2007 – 2011
Chair, CGU Wilson Medal nomination committee. 2008.
Member, Environment Canada Science and Technology Branch Management Council (2006-2010).
President, Canadian Geophysical Union. 2003 – 2005.
President, Hydrology Section, Canadian Geophysical Union, 1997-1999
Canadian Representative, 15th Intergovernmental Council of the UNESCO IHP, Paris. 2002.
Canadian Chief Delegate, UNESCO/IHP Northern Research Basins Working Group. 2001 – 2005.
Member, Canadian National Committee for IAHS 1997 – 1999
Executive Member of the Canadian Geophysical Union – Hydrology Section. 1994-1997
Executive member of the Western Snow Conference. 1993-1995
Member, Canadian Scientific Committee for the Canada/Japan Arctic Climate Panel, 2001.
Member, International Association of Hydrological Sciences (IAHS)/World Meteorological Society (WMO) GEWEX Working Group. 1999 – 2003.
Editor, The Cyrosphere. 2014 to present.
Editor, IAHS Red Book on Cold Regions Hydrology in a Changing Climate, 2011
Editor, special issue of Hydrological Processes on “Subsurface, surface and atmospheric processes in cold regions hydrology”. 2009
Associate Editor, International Permafrost Conference 2008
Editor of Special Issue of Journal of Hydrometeorology – MAGS/CAGES. 2002.
Editor of Special Issue of Hydrological Processes for CGU-HS 2001
Editor of Special Issue of Hydrological Processes for CGU-HS 2000
Associate Editor, 8th International Conference on Permafrost
Editor of Special Issue of Hydrological Processes – Canadian Hydrology Advances to IUGG 2000
Editor of Special Issue of Hydrological Processes for CGU-HS 1999
Editor of Special Issue of Hydrological Processes for CGU-HS 1998
Co-Editor of Special Issue of Hydrological Processes for International Conference on Snow Hydrology – the Integration of Physical, Chemical, and Biological Systems 1998
Associate Editor, International Permafrost Conference 1997
Editor Workshop on Mackenzie Delta: Environmental interactions and implications of development. 1991.
Invited Review Articles
Lead Author. Chapter on “Water flow through snow and firn” for the Encyclopaedia of Hydrological Sciences. 2003.
Co-Author. Chapter on Climate Variability and Change in “Threats to Freshwater Availability in Canada. 2002.
Co-Author. Review paper on Canadian Snow, Ice and Permafrost Hydrology Advances to IUGG 2000.
Author, Review of snowcover formation and melt, recent advances and future prospects. 1999.
Author, Review of Water flux in melting snow covers, for Advances in Porous Media. 1991.
Author, Snow hydrology chapter in Northern Hydrology: Canadian Perspectives.
International/National Science Working Groups and Committees
Environment Canada Lead Scientist – Surface Water and Ocean Topography Mission. A joint USA, France, Canada satellite for measuring elevation of surface waters.
Chair, Science Committee of the Canadian Mackenzie GEWEX Study (MAGS) 1999 – 2000
Member of the IAHS/WMO Working Group on GEWEX 1995-
Member of Canadian GEWEX Science Committee, 1990 –
Member of the Executive Board of the Snow Vegetation Interactions Working Group – International Commission of Snow and Ice, 2000 – 2003.
Canadian Representative for Mackenzie GEWEX Study at the GEXEX Hydroclimatology Panel (GHP) Annual Planning Meeting, Brazil. 2000.
MAGS Member of the International GEWEX Hydrometeorology Panel (GHP) 1999 – 2000
Chair of Northern Research Basins (IHP) Taskforce on hydrologic processes in climate models 1994-97
Member of the International Commission on Snow and Ice Snow and Climate Working Group – 1996-99
Member of ALSO/NABS Committee: Impact of Climate Change on Northern Ecosystems 1994-1996
Member of NATO working group on snow chemistry in Boreal forest 1993 – 1999
Member of the Canadian Arctic Climate System Study (ACSYS) 1995-96
Chair of the Northern Research Basins Taskforce 1992-1994
Member of Working Committee of Mackenzie Basin Impact Study 1992-1994
Member of Science Planning Team , Mackenzie Basin Climate Impact Study, 1990-1996
Member of the Mackenzie Delta Co-ordinating Committee, Mackenzie River Basin Task Force. 1987-1993
Participant on numerous Committees related to potential impacts of the proposed Mackenzie Gas Project on the hydrology of the Mackenzie Delta, and key National Wildlife Sanctuaries in the Mackenzie Delta.
Science Advisor to Environment Canada Senior Managers on hydrology of the Mackenzie Delta at the Mackenzie Gas Project “Joint Review Panel” Hearings in Inuvik, 2006
Participant. Environment Canada and Mackenzie Gas Project proponents (Shell and Imperial) meeting to determine appropriate methods to determine impacts of MGP on the Kendall Is. Bird Sanctuary, determine research/monitoring needs, and advice senior EC management. 2006.
Member of University of Saskatchewan Committee on Northern Studies. 1988 – present
Adjunct Professor, Department of Geography, University of Saskatchewan, 1988 – present
Conference Organization
Hydrology Session at International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, Melbourne Australia, 2011
Convenor, session on “Climate-Permafrost-Hydrology Interactions: the impact of changing climate on cold regions hydrology, International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, Perugia, 2007
Canadian Geophysical Union Annual Meetings – while President of CGU
Hydrology Section, CGU Annual Meetings – while President of HS, CGU
Chairman of Workshop on the Mackenzie Delta: Environmental interactions and implications of development and editor of proceedings. Saskatoon, 1989.
Selection of Invited Presentations
Canadian Foundation for Climate and Atmospheric Sciences (CFCAS), invited oral presentation on high priority research issues in Northern Canada. 2010.
American Geophysical Union (AGU), invited oral presentation, Hydrology of the Mackenzie basin. 2009.
American Geophysical Union (AGU), invited oral presentation, Snow melt processes and chemistry of runoff. 2008.
American Geophysical Union (AGU), invited oral presentation, Rapid drainage of thaw lakes. 2006.
American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), Keynote Presentation “Water and energy fluxes in the Mackenzie River Basin, Canada.
Indian and Northern Affairs Canada and Industry workshop on the Mackenzie Valley Pipeline. Presentation on Climate Change and Water Resources. 2003.
Mackenzie River Basin Board (MRBB) Water Forum. Invited presentation “Impacts of climate change on cold regions water cycles: Mackenzie GEWEX Study. 2001.
Environment Canada Management Board (EMB) and the Environment Canada Deputy Minister. Impacts of climate change on cold regions water cycles: Mackenzie GEWEX Study (MAGS). 1999.
Research Highlighted in Major Canadian Newspapers
Globe and Mail, Page A3. “River Delta’s Rise Puts Arctic’s future in flux”. April 4, 2008.
Edmonton Journal, Page E3. “Drying times for a Delta”. Feb 17, 2008.
Scientific Review Activities
– Reviewer for numerous scientific journals, including: Hydrological Processes; J. of Hydrometeorology; Canadian Journal of Earth Science; Polar Science; Arctic; Arctic, Alpine and Antarctic Research.
– Reviewer for various NSERC Discovery Grants
– Member, Site Visit Committee review of an NSERC “Collaborative Research and Development” (CRD) Program application. April 2010.
– supervisor and committee member for Ph.D., M.Sc., and B.Sc. students, and lectures in graduate courses and departmental seminars. Examples include:
Post Doctoral Fellows:
– Liming Zhao: 2011 – present. Modelling extreme runoff events in northern Canada. Supervisor.
– Eghbal Ehsanzadeh: 2009 – 2011. Hydrology of the Lake Winnipeg Basin. Supervisor.
– Stefano Endrizzi: 2008 – 2010. Modelling the hydrology of permafrost areas. Supervisor.
– Stefan Pohl: 2004 – 2007. Supervisor.
– William Quinton: 1997 – 1999. Runoff generating mechanisms in permafrost areas. Supervisor.
– Lance Lesack: 1990 – 1992. Hydrology and ecology of the Mackenzie Delta. Supervisor.
Ph.D. Students:
– Jolie Gareis: 2012. Nutrient chemistry of the Mackenzie Delta. On committee.
– Nicholas Kinar, 2012. Improving the modelling of snowpack evolution. On committee.
– Stefan Pohl: 2004. “Modelling spatial variability of snowmelt in an arctic catchment”. Supervisor.
– Daniel Peters: 2003. “Controls on the persistence of water in perched basins of the Peace-Athabasca Delta, Northern Canada”. On committee.
– Sean Carey: 2000. “Hillslope Hydrology and Runoff Processes in a Subarctic, subalpine environment. On committee.
– William Quinton: 1997. “Runoff from hummock-covered arctic tundra hillslopes in the continuous permafrost zone. Supervisor.
– Rick Kattlemann: 1995. “Water movement and ripening processes in snowpacks of the Sierra Nevada”. On committee.
M.Sc. Students:
– Steve McCartney: 2006. “Spatial variability of snowmelt water balances in a subarctic catchment, Wolf Creek, Yukon”. On thesis committee.
– Alexander Strutzke: 2007. “Watflood in the Arctic”. On committee.
– Mark Russell: 2002. “Water balances across the arctic treeline and comparisons to a numerical weather prediction model”. Supervisor.
– Natasha Neumann. 1999. Local advection of sensible heat in the arctic snowmelt landscape. Supervisor.
– Mary Ferguson. 1990. “Sediment movement in lakes in the central area of the Mackenzie Delta, N.W.T. Co-supervisor.
B.Sc. Thesis Students:
– Brock McLeod. 2004. Modelling of snowmelt at an open tundra and shrub tundra site. Supervisor.
– David Gallen. 1999. A study of channel storage in the Trail Valley Creek and Siksik Creek basins during the 1998 spring melt. Supervisor.
– Steve McCartney. 2000. Channel storage in an Arctic stream basin. Supervisor.
– Mark Jurca. 1999. The importance of meltwater storage during spring snowmelt in a subarctic river basin. Co-supervisor.
During the last 10 years, a considerable portion of my time has been devoted to planning and implementing larger research projects. Some examples include:
– Project Chief of the “Hydrological Process and Modelling” research group at the National Water Research Institute, Environment Canada. Responsible for managing, co-ordinating, and developing a co-ordinated research program with 10 Research Scientists, 3 Physical Scientists, 5 Research Technicians, and a number of term Physical Scientists. Total budget of this group is approximately $1,500,000 per year in salary, operating expenses and major capital.
– in addition to managing this research group, have been the Research Manager for a number of co-ordinated research projects, including:
– Lake Winnipeg Basin Initiative. Lead a research team of 4 Research Scientists and 1 PDF to consider the controls on runoff into Lake Winnipeg. 4 year project, with a total budget of $200,000.
– Northern Energy Project. Lead a research team of 8 Research Scientists, and a number of graduate students and PDFs, considering the environmental impact of the proposed Mackenzie Gas Project. 7 year project, with a total budget in excess of $2,000,000.
– International Polar Year “Study of Arctic River-delta Fluxes”. Research team of University and Government scientists, graduate students and PDFs, studying the impact of the Mackenzie Delta on the export of nutrients from the Mackenzie River to the Beaufort Sea.
– Chair of the Mackenzie GEWEX Science Committee. Responsible for co-ordinating the science activities of this large NSERC/Environment Canada funded research network.
In Review:
2014. Changing Arctic Network (CANet) – CFI application
2011: Applicant on application to the Canadian Space Agency on cold regions hydrology/remote sensing
2011: Applicant on a United Kingdom Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) proposal on carbon fluxes and hydrology in arctic environments.
2011: Lake Winnipeg Basin Initiative – II. Hydrology of areas contributing to Lake Winnipeg.
1983 – present: Environment Canada National Water Research Institute, operational funding for northern research programs, with an emphasis on the hydrology of northern environments. Typically in the order of $20,000 to $50,000/yr.
1983 – present: Environment Canada National Water Research Institute, major instrument awards. Numerous awards for 5+ micro-climate towers, eddy flux systems, ground based LIDAR, etc.
2010: Program for Energy R&D – Pipelines: Modelling extreme flows along the Mackenzie and Yukon Gas Pipelines. 4 years, approx. $110,000/yr.
2008. Lake Winnipeg Basin Initiative. Hydrology of areas contributing to Lake Winnipeg. 3 years, approx. $60,000/yr.
2007: International Polar Year, funded project on Hydrology and Aquatic Ecosystems of the Mackenzie Delta. 4 years, approx. $70,000/yr,
2007: International Polar Year, funded project on the hydrology of headwater streams in the Western Canadian Arctic. 4 years, approx. $70,000/yr.
2006: Funded project entitled “Improved Processes, Parameterization and Prediction” (IP3) in Cold Regions. 4 years, approx. $40,000/yr.
2001. Program for Energy R&D funding for “Evaluating rapid lake drainage events in the northern Mackenzie reion: Potential risks to pipelines. 4 years of funding, approx. $70,000/yr.
2004. EC Lead for the hydrology section of the Mackenzie Gas Pipeline project. 5 year project, total of $3,100,000. Study lead on two projects for a total funding of $1,200,000 over 5 years.
2002-2004: Co-PI Climate Change Action Fund (CCAF): The physics and scaling of snowcover processes in old regions: Improving our understanding of key climate system processes. Joint project with Meteorological Service Canada. $315,000 over 2 years.
2001-2005: Canadian Foundation for Climate and Atmospheric Studies (CFCAS): Snow and soil moisture representation and scaling in climate land-surface schemes for cold regions. $120,000/yr for 3 years.
2001-2004 Program for Energy R&D Research (PERD): Climate change impacts on cold-regions hydrologic processes and extreme events associated with the hydro-electric and oil/gas industries in western and northern Canada
2004. Co-lead on “Ecological effects of water withdrawl”, National Agri-Environmental Standards Initiative.
2000 – 2001: Program for Energy R&D Research (PERD): Predicting impacts of climate change on the northern hydrologic cycle
1999 – 2001: Climate Change Action Fund – Hydrologic impacts of climate change in northern Canada
1992- 2001: Canadian GEWEX Program – Modelling snow accumulation, melt and runoff in northern environments
1996- 2000: Program for Energy R&D Research Grant: Predicting impacts of climate change on the northern hydrologic cycle: reducing the uncertainties for the energy sector
1993-1998: NATO International Scientific Exchange Programme Collaborative Research Grant: Seasonal snowcover and the Boreal Forest – Response to Global Climatic and Atmospheric Change
1994-1996: Peace-Athabasca Delta Technical Program: Development of hydrologic model for predicting lake water balance in the PAD.
1996-1997: Indian and Northern Affairs: Development of improved hydrologic models for northern environments
1993-1997: Indian and Northern Affairs: Improved methods for determining regional snow cover in Arctic regions
1992-1996: Northern Oil and Gas Action Program (NOGAP): Sedimentation rates in Mackenzie Delta Lakes and implications for hydro-carbon contamination
1987‑1988 : Northern Oil and Gas Assistance Program (NOGAP) – Sedimentation in Mackenzie Delta Lakes
Study Lead: numerous field programs in Arctic Canada. Areas of study have included: Eidsbotn Fiord, Ellesmere Island; Eidsbotn Fiord, Devon Is.; Resolute Bay, Cornwallis Is.; Eureka, Ellesmere Is., and Mould Bay, Prince Patrick Is.; Ft. Simpson, N.W.T.; and Mackenzie Delta region.
Project Lead: long term project manager for two Environment Canada research basins in the Western Canadian Arctic. Initiated field studies at these basins, which now have 20+ years of detailed hydrologic information, and as a result are one of the most data rich hydrologic research sites in northern Canada. The extensive data set collected at these sites offers many opportunities for future analysis of these “long term” data sets, and new research on water resources and climate change in northern Canada.
Book Chapters
Marsh, P., J. Pomeroy, S. Pohl, W. Quinton, C. Onclin, M. Russell, N. Neumann, A. Pietroniro, B. Davison, and S. McCartney (2008), Snowmelt processes and runoff at the Arctic treeline: Ten years of MAGS Research, in Cold Region Atmospheric and Hydrologic Studies, The Mackenzie GEWEX Experience. Volume 2: Hydrologic Processes, edited by Ming-ko Woo, pp. 97-124, Springer, Berlin.
Pomeroy, J. W., D.M. Gray, and P. Marsh (2008), Studies on snow redistribution by wind and forest, snow-covered area depletion and frozen soil infiltration in northern and western Canada, in Cold Region Atmospheric and Hydrologic Studies, The Mackenzie GEWEX Experience. Volume 2: Hydrologic Processes, edited by Ming-ko Woo, pp. 81-96, Springer, Berlin.
Marsh, P. (2005), 161: Water flow through snow and firn, in Encyclopedia of Hydrological Sciences, vol. 4, Part 14, pp. 97-123, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., Chichester, England.
Marsh, P. (1991). Water flux in melting snow covers. Corapcioglu, M. Y. (Editor). Advances in Porous Media. Elsevier. Amsterdam. 1. 61-124.
Marsh, P. (1990). Snow hydrology. In – Prowse, T. D. and C. S. L. Ommanney (Editors). Northern Hydrology: Canadian Perspectives. NHRI Science Report No. 1. National Hydrology Research Institute. Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. 37-61.
Editor, Conference Proceedings
Marsh, P. and C.S.L. Ommanney. 1991. Workshop on Mackenzie Delta: Environmental interactions andimplications of development. National Hydrology Research Institute, Saskatoon, Sk. 195 pp.
Yang, D., P. Marsh, and A. Gelfan. 2011. Cold Regions Hydrology in a Changing Climate. IAHS Publication 346. 208pp.
Hardy, J.P., M.R. Albert, and P. Marsh. 1999. Snow Hydrology: The Integration of Physical, Chemical and Biological Systems. John Wiley and Sons, Ltd.
Referred Journals (** denotes attached reprints of recent papers)
Lantz, T. C., P. Marsh, and S. V. Kokelj (2011), Recent shrub proliferation across the boreal-arctic transition and microclimate implications, Ecosystems, submitted.
Lesack, L. F. W. et al. (2011), Lakes in the Mackenzie River Delta and their potential responses to global change, Ecosystems, submitted.
Menard, C., R. Essery, J. Pomeroy, P. Marsh, and D. Clark (2011), A shrub bending model to calculate albedo over shrub-tundra, Hydrological Processes, 1-26. Submitted.
** Hopkinson, C., N. Crasto, P. Marsh, D. Forbes, and L. Lesack (2011), Investigating the spatial distribution of water levels in the Mackenzie Delta using airborne LiDAR, Hydrological Processes, 3011(June), 2995-3011, doi:10.1002/hyp.8167.
Endrizzi, S., W. L. Quinton, and P. Marsh (2011), Modelling the spatial pattern of ground thaw in a small basin in the arctic tundra, The Cryosphere Disscussion, 5, 367-400,
** Rowland, J. C., Jones, C. E., Altmann, G., Bryan, R., Crosby, B. T., Geernaert, G. L., Hinzman, L. D., Kane, D. L., Lawrence, D. M., Mancino, A., Marsh, P., McNamara, J. P., Romanovsky, V. E., Toniolo, H.,Travis, B. J., Trochim, E., and Wilson, C. J. (2010), Arctic Landscapes in Transition: Responses to Thawing Permafrost, Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union, 91(26), 229, doi:10.1029/2010EO260001.
** Lesack, L. F. W., and P. Marsh (2010), River-to-lake connectivities, water renewal, and aquatic habitat diversity in the Mackenzie River Delta, Water Resources Research, 46, 16 PP., doi:2010 10.1029/2010WR009607.
** Marsh, P., P. Bartlett, M. MacKay, S. Pohl, and T. Lantz (2010), Snowmelt energetics at a shrub tundra site in the western Canadian Arctic, Hydrological Processes, 24(25), 3603-3620/, doi:10.1002/hyp.7786.
** Endrizzi, S., and P. Marsh (2010), Observations and modeling of turbulent fluxes during melt at the shrub-tundra transition zone 1: point scale variations, Hydrology Research, 41(6), 471, doi:10.2166/nh.2010.149.
Mackay, M. D., P.J. Neal, C.D. Arp, L.N. De Senerpoint Domis, X. Fang, G. Gal, K.D. Johnk, G. Kirillin, J.D. Lentners, E. Kitchman, S. MacIntyre, P. Marsh, J. Melack, W.M. Mooojj, F. Peeters, A. Quesada, S.G. Schladow, M. Schmid, C. Spence, and S.L. Stokes. (2009), Modeling lakes and reservoirs in the climate system, Limnology and Oceanography, 54(6, part 2), 2315-2329.
Essery, R., D. Marks, P. Marsh. (2009), Subsurface, surface and atmospheric processes in cold regions hydrology, Hydrological Processes, 23(17), 2496-2497, doi:10.1002/hyp.7365.
Spence, C., Hamilton, S.,Whitfield, P.H., Demuth, M.N., Harvey, D., Hutchinson, D., Davison, B., Ouarda, T.B.M.J., Goertz, H., Pomeroy, J.W., Marsh, P. (2009), Invited Commentary: A Framework for Integrated Research and Monitoring (FIRM), Canadian Water Resources Journal, 34(1), 1-6.
Pohl, S., P. Marsh, C. Onclin, and M. Russell (2009), The summer hydrology of a small upland tundra thaw lake: implications to lake drainage, Hydrological Processes, 23(17), 2536-2546, doi:10.1002/hyp.7238.
** P. Marsh, M. Russell, S. Pohl, H. Haywood, and C. Onclin (2009), Changes in thaw lake drainage in the Western Canadian Arctic from 1950 to 2000, Hydrological Processes, 23(17), 145-158, doi:10.1002/hyp.7179.
Dornes, P. F., B. A. Tolson, B. Davison, A. Pietroniro, J. W. Pomeroy, and P. Marsh (2008), Regionalisation of land surface hydrological model parameters in subarctic and arctic environments, Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C, 33(17-18), 1081-1089, doi:10.1016/j.pce.2008.07.007.
** Pohl, S., P. Marsh, and B. Bonsal (2007), Modeling the impact of climate change on runoff and annual water balance of an Arctic headwater basin, Arctic, 60(2), 173–186.
** Lesack, L. F. W., and P. Marsh (2007), Lengthening plus shortening of river-to-lake connection times in the Mackenzie River Delta respectively via two global change mechanisms along the arctic coast, Geophysical Research Letters, 34, doi:10.1029/2007GL031656.
Emmerton, C. A., L. F. W. Lesack, P. Marsh. (2007), Lake abundance, potential water storage, and habitat distribution in the Mackenzie River Delta, western Canadian Arctic, Water Resources Research, 43, doi:10.1029/2006WRoo5139.
Pohl, S., P. Marsh, G. E. Liston, P. Marsh, and G. E. Liston (2006), Spatial-temporal variability in turbulent fluxes during spring snowmelt, Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research, 38(1), 136–146.
Pohl, S., P. Marsh, and A. Pietroniro (2006), Spatial-temporal variability in solar radiation during spring snowmelt, Nordic Hydrology, 37(1), 1-19, doi:10.2166/nh.2005.026.
Pohl, S., and P. Marsh (2006), Modelling the spatial-temporal variability of spring snowmelt in an arctic catchment, Hydrological Processes, 20(8), 1773-1792, doi:10.1002/hyp.5955.
Peters, D., T.D. Prowse, P. Marsh, P.M. Lafleur, J.M. Buttle. (2006), Persistence of water within perched basins of the Peace-Athabasca Delta, Northern Canada, Wetlands Ecology and Management, 14(3), 221-243, doi:10.1007/s11273-005-1114-1.
Romolo, L., T. D. Prowse, D. Blair, B. R. Bonsal, P. Marsh, and L. W. Martz (2006), The synoptic climate controls on hydrology in the upper reaches of the Peace River Basin. Part II: Snow ablation, Hydrological Processes, 20(19), 4113-4129, doi:10.1002/hyp.6422.
Davison, B., S. Pohl, P. Dornes, P. Marsh, A. Pietroniro, and M. MacKay (2006), Characterizing snowmelt variability in a land-surface-hydrologic model, ATMOSPHERE-OCEAN, 44(3), 271-287, doi:10.3137/ao.440305.
Pohl, S., B. Davison, P. Marsh, A. Pietroniro, B. Davison, P. Marsh, and A. Pietroniro (2005), Modelling Spatially Distributed Snowmelt and Meltwater Runoff in a Small Arctic Catchment with a Hydrology Land-Surface Scheme (WATCLASS), Atmosphere-Ocean, 43(3), 193-211, doi:10.3137/ao.430301.
Woo, M.-K. M.-k, P. Marsh (2005), Snow, frozen soils and permafrost hydrology in Canada, 1999-2002, Hydrological Processes, 19(1), 215-229, doi:10.1002/hyp.5772.
Russell, M., C. Onclin, and P. Marsh (2004), A continuous dye injection system for estimating discharge in snow-choked streams, Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research, 36(4), 539–554.
Rouse, W. R., Blyth, E. M., Crawford, R. W., Gyakum, J. R., Janowicz, J. R., Kochtubajda, B., Leighton, H. G., Marsh, P., Martz, L., Pietroniro, A., Ritchie, H., Schertzer, W. M., Soulis, E. D., Stewart, R. E., Strong, G. S., Woo, M. K.. (2003), Energy and Water Cycles in a High-Latitude, North-Flowing River System, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 84(1), 73-87.
Rouse, W. R, Eaton, A. K, Petrone, R. M, Boudreau, L. D., Marsh, P., Griffis, T. J. (2003). Seasonality in the surface energy balance of Tundra in the lower Mackenzie River basin, Journal of Hydrometeorology, 4(4), 673-679.
Marsh, P., and J. R. Gyakum (2003), The Hydrometeorology of the Mackenzie River Basin during the 1998–99 Water Year, Journal of Hydrometeorology, 4(4), 645-648.
Marsh, P., C. Onclin, and N. Neumann. 2002. Water and energy fluxes in the lower Mackenzie Valley, 1994/95. Atmosphere-Ocean, 40, 245-256. doi:10.3137/ao.400211.
Stewart, R. E. N. Bussieres, Z. Cao, H. R. Cho, B. Kochtubajda, H. Leighton, P. Y. T. Louie, M. D. Mackay, P. Marsh, J. Pomeroy, T. D. Prowse, E. D. Soulis, K.K. Szeto, and A. E. Walker. (2002), Hydrometeorological Features of the Mackenzie Basin Climate System during the 1994/95 Water Year: A Period of Record Low Discharge, Atmosphere-Ocean, 40(2), 257-278, doi:10.3137/ao.400212.
Headley, J. V., P. Marsh, C. J. Akre, K. M. Peru, and L. Lesack. 2002. Origin of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in lake sediments of the Mackenzie Delta. J. Environmental Sci. Health Part A, A37, 37(10)m 1159-1180.
Eaton, A. K., W. R. Rouse, P. M. Lafleur, P. Marsh, and P. Blanken. 2001. Surface energy blance of the western and central Canadian subarctic: variations in the energy balance among five major terrain types. Journal of Climate, 14, 3692-3703.
Marsh, P. and N. Neumann. 2001. Processes controlling the rapic drainage of two ice-rich permafrost-dammed lakes in NW Canada. Hydrological Processes, 15, 3433-3446.
Michelutti, N., M.B. Hay, P. Marsh, L. Lesack, and J. P. Smol. 2001. Diatom changes in Mackenzie Delta lake sediments from the Mackenzie Delta, N.W.T., Canada: Paleohydrological applications. Arctic and Alpine Research, 33, 1-12.
Petrone, R. M., W. R. Rouse, and P. Marsh. 2000. Comparative surface energy budgets in western and central subarctic regions of Canada. The International Journal of Climatology, 20, 1131-1148.
Michelutti, N., M.B. Hay, P. Marsh, L. Lesack, and J. P. Smol. 2001. Diatom changes in Mackenzie Delta lake sediments from the Mackenzie Delta, N.W.T., Canada: Paleohydrological applications. Arctic and Alpine Research, 33, 1-12.
Woo, M., P. Marsh, and J. W. Pomeroy. 2000. Snow, frozen soils and permafrost hydrology in Canada, 1995-98. Hydrological Processes, 14, 1591-1611.
Quinton, W. L., D. M. Gray, and P. Marsh. 2000. Subsurface drainage from hummock-covered hillslopes in the arctic-tundra. Journal of Hydrology, 237, 113-125.
Buttle, J., G. Jones, P. Marsh, and M.-ko Woo (2000), Recent advances in Canadian hydrology Special issue, Hydrological Processes, 14(9), 1537, doi:10.1002/1099-1085(20000630).
Blanken, P. D., W. R. Rouse, A. D. Culf, C. Spence, L. D. Boudreau, J. N. Jasper, B. Kochtubajda, W. M. Schertzer, P. Marsh, and D. Verseghy. 2000. Eddy covariance measurements of evaporation from Great Slave Lake, Northwest Territories, Canada. Water Resources Research, 36, 1069-1077.
Quinton, W. L. and P. Marsh. 1999. A conceptual framework for runoff generation in a permafrost environment. Hydrological Processes, 13, 2563-2581.
Pomeroy, J. W., T. D. Davies, H. G. Jones, P. Marsh, N. E. Peters, and M. Tranter. 1999. Transformations of snow chemistry in the boreal forest: accumulation and volatization. Hydrological Processes, 13, 2257-2273.
Marsh, P. and J. W. Pomeroy. 1999. Spatial and temporal variations in snowmelt runoff chemistry. Water Resources Research, 35, 1559-1567.
Marsh, P., L. F. W. Lesack, and A. Roberts. 1999. Lake sedimentation in the Mackenzie Delta, NWT. Hydrological Processes, 13, 2519-2536.
Marsh, P. 1999. Snowcover formation and melt: recent advances and future prospects. Hydrological Processes, 13, 2117-2134.
Jones, H. G., J. W. Pomeroy, T. D. Davies, M. Tranter, and P. Marsh. 1999. CO2 in arctic snow covers: landscape form, in-pack gas concentration gradients, and the implications for the estimation of gaseous fluxes. Hydrological Processes, 13, 2977-2989.
Hardy, J. P., M. R. Albert, and P. Marsh. 1999. An introduction to snow hydrology and its interaction with physical, chemical and biological systems. Hydrological Processes, 13, v-viii.
Stewart, R. E., H. G. Leighton, P. Marsh, G. W. K. Moore, H. Ritchie, W. R. Rouse, E. D. Soulis, G. S. Strong, R. W. Crawford, and B. Kochtubajda. 1998. The Mackenzie GEWEX Study: The water and energy cycles of a major North American River basin. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 79, 2665-2683.
Quinton, W. L. and P. Marsh. 1998. The influence of mineral earth hummocks on subsurface drainage in the continuous permafrost zone. Permafrost and Periglacial Processes, 9, 213-228.
Neumann, N. and P. Marsh. 1998. Local advection in the snowmelt landscape of arctic tundra. Hydrological Processes, 12, 1547-1560.
Lesack, L., P. Marsh, and R. Hecky. 1998. Spatial and temporal dynamics of major solute chemistry among Mackenzie Delta lakes. Limnology and Oceanography, 43, 1530-1543.
Rouse, W. R., M. Douglas, R. Hecky, G. Kling, L. Lesack, P. Marsh, M. MacDonald, B. Nicholson, N. Roulet, and J. Smol. 1997. Effects of climate change on freshwaters of arctic and subarctic North America. Hydrological Processes, 11, 873-902.
Pomeroy, J. W., P. Marsh, and D.M. Gray. 1997. Application of a distributed blowing snow model to the Arctic. Hydrological Processes, 11, 1451-1464.
Marsh, P., J. W. Pomeroy, and N. Neumann. 1997. Sensible heat flux and local advection over a heterogenous landscape at an arctic tundra site during snowmelt. Annals of Glaciology, 25, 132-136.
Marsh, P. and J. W. Pomeroy. 1996. Meltwater fluxes at an arctic forest-tundra site. Hydrological Processes, 10, 1383-1400.
Marsh, P. and L. Lesack. 1996. The hydrologic regime of perched lakes in the Mackenzie Delta: Potential responses to climate change. Limnology and Oceanography, 41, 849-856.
Marsh, P. and M. Hey. 1994. Analysis of spring high water events in the Mackenzie Delta and implications for lake and terrestrial flooding. Geografiska Annaler, 4, 221-234.
Pomeroy, J. W., P. Marsh, and L. Lesack. 1993. Relocation of major ions in snow along the tundra-taiga ecotone. Nordic Hydrology, 24, 151-168.
Marsh, P. and T. Schmidt. 1993. Influence of a Beaufort Sea storm surge on channel levels in the Mackenzie Delta. Arctic, 46, 35-41.
Woo, M. k. and P. Marsh. 1990. Response of soil moisture change to hydrological processes in a continuous permafrost environment. Nordic Hydrology, 21, 235-252.
Marsh, P. 1990. Modelling water temperature beneath river ice covers. Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 17, 36-44.
Prowse, T. D. and P. Marsh. 1989. Thermal budget of river ice covers during breakup. Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 16, 62-71.
Marsh, P. and M. Hey. 1989. The flooding hydrology of Mackenzie Delta Lakes near Inuvik, N.W.T., Canada. Arctic, 42, 41-49.
Marsh, P. and S. C. Bigras. 1988. Evaporation from Mackenzie Delta Lakes, N.W.T., Canada. Arctic and Alpine Research, 20, 220-229.
Marsh, P. and T. D. Prowse. 1987. Water temperature and heat flux at the base of river ice covers. Cold Regions Science and Technology, 14, 33-50.
Marsh, P. 1987. Grain growth in a wet Arctic snow cover. Cold Regions Science and Technology, 14, 23-31.
Marsh, P. and M. Woo. 1985. Meltwater movement in natural heterogenous snow covers. Water Resources Research, 21, 1710-1716.
Marsh, P. and M. Woo. 1984. Wetting front advance and freezing of meltwater within a snow cover 2. A simulation model. Water Resources Research, 20, 1865-1874.
Marsh, P. and M. Woo. 1984. Wetting front advance and freezing of meltwater within a snow cover 1. Observations in the Canadian Arctic. Water Resources Research, 20, 1853-1864.
Woo, M., R. Heron, P. Marsh, and P. Steer. 1983. Comparison of weather station snowfall with winter snow accumulation in High Arctic basins. Atmosphere-Ocean, 21, 312-325.
Woo, M., R. Heron, and P. Marsh. 1982. Basal ice in High Arctic snowpacks. Arctic and Alpine Research, 14, 251-260.
Marsh, P. and M. Woo. 1981. Snowmelt, glacier melt, and high arctic streamflow regimes. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 18, 1380-1384.
Marsh, P., W. R. Rouse, and M. Woo. 1981. Evaporation at a High Arctic site. Journal of Applied Meteorology, 20, 713-716.
Woo, M. and P. Marsh. 1978. Analysis of error in the determination of snow storage for small High Arctic basins. Journal of Applied Meteorology, 17, 1538-1541.
Woo, M. and P. Marsh. 1977. Effect of vegetation on limestone solution in a small High Arctic basin. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 14, 571-581.
Marsh, P. and M. Woo. 1977. The water balance of a small pond in the High Arctic. Arctic, 30, 109-117.
Conference Proceedings
Crasto, N., C. Hopkinson, P. Marsh, D. L. Forbes, and I. Spooner (2011), Delineation of lakes and channels in the Mackenzie Delta, NWT, using airborne LiDAR, in Proceedings of Remot Sensing and Hydrology 2010, vol. 3xx, IAHS, Jackson Hole, Wyoming, USA.
Nafziger, J., F. Hicks, R. Andrishak, P. Steffler, P. Marsh, and L. Lesack (2010), Flow distribution in the Mackenzie Delta under winter low flow conditions, in 20th IAHR International Symposium on Ice, Lahti, Finland.
Endrizzi, S., and P. Marsh (2009), Spatial variability of sensible and latent heat fluxes and snowmelt energetics in an arctic catchement due to landcover heterogeneity, in 17th International Northern Research Basins Symposium and Workshop, pp. 75-86, Iqualuit-Pangnirtung-Kuujjuaq, Canada.
Thorne, R., W. L. Quinton, S. Encrizzi, and P. Marsh (2009), Defining the frost table topography in a tundra environment, in 17th International Northern Research Basins Symposium and Workshop, pp. 311-316, Iqualuit-Pangnirtung-Kuujjuaq, Canada.
Nafziger, J., F. Hicks, R. Andrishak, P. Marsh, and L. Lesack (2009), Hyraulic model of river flow and storage effects in the Mackenzie Delta, Canada, in 17th International Northern Research Basins Symposium and Workshop, pp. 237-248, Iqualuit-Pangnirtung-Kuujjuaq, Canada.
Whalen, D., D.L.Forbes, C. Hopkinson, J.C. Lavergne, G.K. Manson, P. Marsh, and S.M. Solomon (2009), Topographic LiDAR – providing a new perspective in the Mackenzie Delta, in Canadian Symposium on Remote Sensing, Lethbridge, Alberta.
P. Marsh, L. Lesack, F. Hicks, A. Roberts, C. Hopkinson, S. Solmon, D.L. Forbes, M. Russell, and H. Haywood (2009), Hydrology of the Mackenzie Delta: off-channel water storage and delta interaction with the Beaufort Sea, in 17th International Northern Research Basins Symposium and Workshop, pp. 227-226, Iqualuit-Pangnirtung-Kuujjuaq, Canada.
Marsh, P., M. Russell, C. Onclin, and H. Haywood (2008), Modelling discharge during the rapid drainage of thaw lakes in the Western Canadian Arctic, International Conference on Permafrost. Vol 2, edited by D. L. Kane and K.M. Hinkel, pp. 1143-1147, University of Alaska Fairbanks, Fairbanks, Alaska.
Marsh, P., M. Russell, and C. Onclin (2005), The hydrology of lakes in the Western Canadian Arctic – Implications to proposed natural gas development, in 15th International Northern Research Basins Symposium and Workshop, pp. 131-140, Lulea to Kvikkjokk, Sweden.
P. Marsh, C Onclin, and M. Russell (2004), A multi-year hydrologic data set for two research basins in the Mackenzie Delta region, NW Canada, in Northern Research Basins Water Balance, vol. IAHS Publ., edited by D. Kane and D. Yang, pp. 205-212, IAHS, IAHS Publ. 290, Victoria, BC.
Van der kamp, G., P. Marsh, and Environement Canada (2004), Climate Variability and Change – Wetlands, in Threats to Water Availability in Canada, vol. NWRI Scien, pp. 101-06, National Water Research Institute, Burlington, Ontario.
Brown, R. D., M. N. Demuth, B. E. Goodison, P. Marsh, T. D. Prowse, S. L. Smith, and M.-k Woo (2004), Climate variability and change – Cryosphere, in Threats to Water Availability in Canada, vol. NWRI Scien, pp. 107-116, National Water Research Institute, Burlington, Ontario.
Marsh, P., C. Onclin, M. Russell, S. Pohl, C. Onclin, M. Russell, and S. Pohl (2003), Effects of shrubs on snow processes in the vicinity of the Arctic treeline in NW Canada, in Proceedings of the Northern Research Basins 14th International Symposium and Workshop, edited by B. H. and B. U. H. B. Elberling, pp. 113-117, University of Copenhagen, Kangerlussuaq/Sdr. Stromfjord, Greenland.
Marsh, P., and N. Neumann (2003), Climate and hydrology of a permafrost dammed lake in NW Canad, in Proceedings, 8th International Conference on Permafrost, vol. 8(2), edited by W. Haeberli and D. Brandova, pp. 729-734, A.A. Balkema, Zurich, Switzerland.
Marsh, P., N. Neumann, C. Onclin, and M. Russell. 2001. A multi-year hydrologic data set: Mackenzie Delta region, NW Canada. Thirteenth International Northern Research Basins Symposium and Workshop. Kajander, J.(Saariselka Finland and Murmansk Russia. Finnish Environment Institute, Helsinki, Finland. 151-160.
Pomeroy, J. W., P. Holler, P. Marsh, D. A. Walker, and M. Williams. 2001. Snow vegetation interactions: issues for a new initiative. IAHS Publ. No. 270. Soil-Vegetation-Atmosphere Transfer Schemes and Large-scale Hydrological Models. Dolman, A. J., Hall, A. J., Kavvas, M. L., Oki, T., and Pomeroy, J. W.(Ed.). Maastricht. IAHS Press, Wallingford, UK. 299-305.
Prowse, T. D., J. M. Buttle, P. J. Dillon, M. C. English, P. Marsh, J. P. Smol, F. J. Wrona, and Environment Canada (2001), Impacts of Dams/Diversions and Climate Change, in Threats to Sources of Drinking Water and Aquatic Ecosystem Health in Canada, vol. NWRI Scien, p. 72 pp., National Water Research Institute, Burlington, Ontario.
Marsh, P., W. Quinton, N. Neumann, C. Onclin, S. Pohl, J. Pomeroy, M. Russell, and R. Essery. 2000. Snowcover melt and runoff at the forest-tundra transition zone: Mackenzie River Basin. Research Report of IHAS No. 7. Proceedings of the GAME-MAGS International Workshop. Ohata, T.(Editor). Nov. 1999, Edmonton, Alberta. Institute for Hydrospheric-Atmospheric Sciences, Nagoya University, Nagoya, Japan. 87-91.
Quinton, W. L. and P. Marsh. 1999. Meltwater fluxes, hillslope runoff and streamflow in an arctic permafrost basin. 7th International Conference on Permafrost. June 1998, Yellowknife, NWT. Centre d’etudes nordique, Universite Laval. 921-926.
Quinton, W. L. and P. Marsh. 1999. Image analysis and water tracing methods for examining runoff pathways, soil properties and residence times in the continuous permafrost zone. Integrated Methods in Catchment Hydrology – Tracer, Remote Sensing and New Hydrometric Techniques. C. Leibundgut (Editor). Birmingham, UK. IAHS, UK. 257-264.
Pomeroy, J. W., R. Essery, D. M. Gray, K. Shook, B. Toth, and P. Marsh. 1999. Modelling snow-atmosphere interactions in cold continental environments. IAHS Publication No. 256. Interactions between the cryosphere, climate and greenhouse gases. Tranter, M. R. Armstrong E. Brun G. Jones M. Sharp and M. Williams (Editors). July 1999, Birmingham, UK. IAHS, UK. 91-101.
Marsh, P., N. Neumann, R. Essery, and J. Pomeroy. 1999. Model estimates of local scale advection of sensible heat over a patchy snow cover. IAHS Publication No. 256. Interactions between the cryosphere, climate and greenhouse gases. Tranter, M. R. Armstrong E. Brun G. Jones M. Sharp and M. Williams (Editors). July 1999, Birmingham, UK. IAHS, UK. 103-110.
Neumann, N. and Marsh P. 1997. Local advection of sensible heat during snowmelt. Proceedings of the 65th Western Snow Conference. Banff, Alberta. 175-185.
Marsh, P., S. Bergstrom, O. B. Christensen, L. Gottschalk, E. Kuusisto, and G. E. Liston. 1997. Northern Hydrologic Processes in Climate Models. Vol. 2. Proceedings, Eleventh Northern Research Basins International Symposium and Workshop . Prudhoe Bay/Fairbanks, Alaska. The Water and Environmental Research Center, Fairbanks, Alaska. 343-394.
Wankiewicz, A., P. Marsh, J. W. Pomeroy, and W. L. Quinton. 1996. Arctic snow and soil observations by radar satellite. NHRI Symposium Series. Third International Workshop on Applications of Remote Sensing in Hydrology: Proceedings. Kite, G. W., Pietroniro, A., and Pultz, T. J. (Editors). October 1996. NHRI, Saskatoon. 199-210.
Pomeroy, J. and P. Marsh. 1996. The application of remote sensing and a blowing snow model to determine the snow water equivalent of northern basins. NHRI Symposium Series. Third International Workshop on Applications of Remote Sensing in Hydrology: Proceedings. Kite, G. W., Pietroniro, A., and Pultz, T. J. (Editors). October 1996. NHRI, Saskatoon. 253-270.
Marsh, P. 1996. Snow hydrology and ecological implications. Snow as a Physical, Ecological and Economic Factor: International Symposium to celebrate 60 Years of Snow and Avalanche Research at Davos. Davos, Switzerland. Federal Institute for Snow and Avalanche Research, Davos, Switzerland.
Pomeroy, J. W., P. Marsh, H. G. Jones, and T. D. Davies. 1995. Spatial distribution of snow chemical load at the tundra-taiga transition. IAHS Publication No. 228. Biogeochemistry of Seasonally Snow-Covered Catchments. Tonnessen, K. A., Williams, M. W., and Tranter, M. (Editor). July 1995, Boulder, Colorado. 191-203.
McGurk, B. J. and P. Marsh. 1995. Flow-finger continuity in serial thick-sections in a melting Sierran snowpack. IAHS Publication No. 228. Biogeochemistry of Seasonally Snow-Covered Catchments. Tonnessen, K. A., Williams, M. W., and Tranter, M. (Editor). July 1995, Boulder, Colorado. 81-88.
Roberts, A., K. Bach, C. Kirman, L. Lesack, and P. Marsh. 1995. Multitemporal classification of flood parameters in the Mackenzie Delta from airborne MSV and SAP imagers. NHRI Symposium No. 14. Application of Remote Sensing in Hydrology: Proceedings 2nd International Remote Sensing Symposium. Saskatoon. National Hydrology Research Institute, 127-136.
Quinton, W. L. and P. Marsh. 1995. Subsurface runoff from tundra hillslopes in the continuous permafrost zone. IGPO Publication Series No. 15. International GEWEX Workshop on Cold-Season/Region Hydrometeorology: Summary Report and Proceedings. Krauss, Terry W. and Carroll, Thomas R. (Compiler). Banff, Alberta, Canada. World Climate Research Programme, International GEWEX Project Office, Washington, D.C. 51-55.
Pomeroy, J. W., P. Marsh, and D. M. Gray. 1995. Application of an Arctic blowing snow model. IGPO Publication Series No. 15. International GEWEX Workshop on Cold-Season/Region Hydrometeorology: Summary Report and Proceedings. Krauss, Terry W. and Carroll, Thomas R. (Compiler). Banff, Alberta, Canada. World Climate Research Programme, International GEWEX Project Office, Washington, D.C. 56-60.
Marsh, P., J. W. Pomeroy, and W. L. Quinton. 1995. Application of snow and evaporation models for predicting water fluxes at the Arctic treeline in Northwestern Canada. IGPO Publication Series No. 15. International GEWEX Workshop on Cold-Season/Region Hydrometeorology: Summary Report and Proceedings. Krauss, Terry W. and Carroll, Thomas R. (Compiler). Banff, Alberta, Canada. World Climate Research Programme, International GEWEX Project Office, Washington, D.C. 47-50.
Marsh, P. and J. W. Pomeroy. 1995. Water and energy fluxes during the snowmelt period at an Arctic treeline site. IGPO Publication Series No. 15. International GEWEX Workshop on Cold-Season/Region Hydrometeorology: Summary Report and Proceedings. Krauss, Terry W. and Carroll, Thomas R. (Compiler). Banff, Alberta, Canada. World Climate Research Programme, International GEWEX Project Office, Washington, D.C. 197-201.
Pietroniro, A., T. Prowse, P. Marsh, and J. Pomeroy. 1995. Classification of hydrologically significant land cover in permafrost basins. Proceedings of the Seventeenth Canadian Symposium on Remote Sensing. Epp, H. and Taylor, C. (Editors). Saskatoon, Sask. 35-40.
Roberts, A., K. Bach, C. Kirman, L. Lesack, and P. Marsh. 1995. Multitimporal Airborne Remote Sensing of Flooding in the Mackenzie Delta from MSV and SAP Imagery. 17th Canadian Symposium on Remote Sensing. Epp, H. and Taylor, C.(Editors). Saskatoon, Sask. 29-34.
Jones, H. G., J. W. Pomeroy, T. D. Davies, M. Tranter, and P. Marsh. 1995. CO2 Concentrations in Arctic snowcovers. IGPO Publication Series No. 15. International GEWEX Workshop on Cold-Season/Region Hydrometeorology: Summary Report and Proceedings. Krauss, Terry W. and Carroll, Thomas R. (Compiler). Banff, Alberta, Canada. World Climate Research Programme, International GEWEX Project Office, Washington, D.C. 69.
Marsh, P., W. Quinton, and J. Pomeroy. 1994. Hydrological processes and runoff at the Arctic treeling in northwestern Canada. Tenth International Northern Research Basins Symposium and Workshop. Sand, K. and Killingtveit, A.(Editors). August 1994, Norway. Norwegian Institute of Technology, Norway. 368-397.
Jones, H. G., J. W. Pomeroy, T. D. Davies, M. Tranter, and P. Marsh. 1994. Aerosol and gaseous concentrations in the air of ventilated dry Arctic snow covers. Tenth International Northern Research Basins Symposium and Workshop. Sand, K. and Killingtveit, A. (Editors). August 1994, Norway. Norwegian Institute of Technology, Norway. 510-533.
Marsh, P., L. Lesack, and A. Roberts. 1994. The environmental effects of ice jam flooding on lakes in the Mackenzie delta. NHRI Symposium No. 12. Proceedings of the Workshop on Environmental Aspects of River Ice. Prowse, T. D. (Editor). Saskatoon. National Hydrology Research Institute, Saskatoon. 357-380.
Marsh, P., M. Brandt, L. Hinzman, E. Kuusisto, N. R. Saelthun, and T. Thomsen. 1994. Assessment of methods to link hydrological models with GCM outputs for northern areas. Tenth International Northern Research Basins Symposium and Workshop. Sand, K. and Killingtveit, A. (Editors). Norway. Norwegian Institute of Technology, Norway. 674-713.
Marsh, P. and M. K. Woo. 1993. Infiltration of meltwater into frozen soils in a continuous permafrost environment. Permafrost Sixth International Conference – Proceedings (Vol. 1). July 1993, Beijing, China. South China University of Technology Press, 443-448.
Marsh, P. and J. W. Pomeroy. 1993. The impact of heterogeneous flow paths on snowmelt runoff chemistry. 50th Eastern Snow Conference. June 1993, Quebec City, Quebec. 231-238.
Jones, H. G., J. W. Pomeroy, T. D. Davies, P. Marsh, and M. Tranter. 1993. Snow-atmosphere interactions in arctic snowpacks net fluxes of NO3, SO4, and Influence of solar radiation. 50th Eastern Snow Conference. June 1993, Quebec City, Quebec. 255-264.
Pomeroy, J. W., P. Marsh, and L. F. W. Lesack. 1992. Relocation of major ions in snow along the tundra-taiga ecotone. NHRI Symposium No. 10. 9th Northern Research Basins Symposium. Prowse, T. D., Ommanney, C. S. L., and Ulmer, K. (Editors). August 1992, Whitehorse. National Hydrology Research Institute, Saskatoon. 383-404.
Marsh, P. and L. F. W. Lesack. 1992. The effect of environmental change on the hydrologic regime of lakes in the Mackenzie Delta. NHRI Symposium No. 10. 9th Northern Research Basins Symposium. Prowse, T. D., Ommaney, C. S. L., and Ulmer, K. (Editors). August 1992, Whitehorse. National Hydrology Research Institute, Saskatoon. 339-358.
Marsh, P. and N. R. Saelthun. 1992. NRB Workshop “Monitoring Hydrology Processes for Climate Change Detection”: Rapporteur Report. NHRI Symposium No. 10. 9th Northern Research Basins Symposium. Prowse, T. D., Ommaney, C. S. L., and Ulmer, K. (Editors). Whitehorse. National Hydrology Research Institute, Saskatoon. 709-712.
Marsh, P. 1991. Evaporation and ice growth in Mackenzie Delta Lakes. IAHS, Hydrology of Natural and Manmade Lakes. August 1991, Vienna, Austria. 257-266.
Lesack, L. F. W., P. Marsh, and R. E. Hecky. 1991. Ice cover growth and freeze-out of solutes in a Mackenzie Delta Lake. NHRI Symposium No. 6. Northern Hydrology – Selected Perspectives. Prowse, T. D. and Ommanney, C. S. L. (Editors). July 1990, Saskatoon, Sask. National Hydrology Research Institute, Saskatoon, Sask. 219-236.
Marsh, P. and M. Hey. 1991. Spatial variations in the flooding of Mackenzie Delta Lakes. Workshop on Mackenzie Delta: Environmental interactions and implications of development. Marsh, Philip and Ommanney, C. S. L. (Saskatoon, Sask. National Hydrology Research Institute, Saskatoon, Sask. 9-18.
Marsh, P. 1991. The Mackenzie Delta: The Research Challenge. Workshop on Mackenzie Delta: Environmental interactions and implications of development. Marsh, Philip and Ommannney, C. S. L. (Saskatoon, Sask. National Hydrology Research Institute, Saskatoon, Sask. v-xiii.
Lesack, L. R. W., R. E. Hecky, and P. Marsh. 1991. The influence of frequency and duration of flooding on the nutrient chemistry of Mackenzie Delta Lakes. Workshop on Mackenzie Delta: Environmental interactions and implications of development. Marsh, Philip and Ommanney, C. S. L. (Saskatoon, Sask. National Hydrology Research Institute, Saskatoon, Sask. 19-36.
Ferguson, M. and P. Marsh. 1991. Discharge and sediment regimes of lake channel systems in the Mackenzie Delta, NWT. Workshop on Mackenzie Delta: Environmental interactions and implications of development. Marsh, Philip and Ommanney, C. S. L. (Saskatoon, Sask. National Hydrology Research Institute, Saskatoon, Sask. 53-68.
Woo, M. and P. Marsh. 1990. Response of soil moisture change to hydrological processes in a continuous permafrost environment. 8th International Northern Research Basins Symposium and Workshop. March 1990, Abisko, Sweden. Water Resources Engineering, Lulea University of Technology, 28 pp.
Woo, M. and P. Marsh. 1990. Soil moisture regimes at a continuous permafrost site. Regional Conference on Asian Pacific Countries, International Geographical Union, Regional Meeting. Beijing, China. 5-40.
Marsh, P. 1990. Permafrost and lakes in the Mackenzie Delta. Proceedings of the Fifth Canadian Permafrost Conference. June 1990, Quebec City. Collection Nordicana, No. 54, University of Laval, Quebec City. 131-136.
Marsh, P. 1989. Hydrology of Mackenzie Delta lakes. Boreal Institute for Northern Studies, Occasional Publication Number 22, W. C. Mckay (Ed), 43-45.
Marsh, P. and S. C. Bigras. 1988. Lake hydrology studies in the Mackenzie Delta, N.W.T. Canadian Hydrology Symposium. May 1988, Banff, Alberta. Associate Committee on Hydrology, National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa. 255-263.
Marsh, P. 1988. Soil infiltration and snow-melt run-off in the Mackenzie Delta, N.W.T. Permafrost Fifth International Conference, Proceedings Volume 1. Kaare Senneset (Editor). August 1988, Trondheim, Norway. Tapir Publishers, Trondheim, Norway. 618-621.
Marsh, P. 1988. Flow fingers and ice columns in a cold snowcover. Proc. of 56th Western Snow Conference. Kalispell, Montana. 105-112.
Marsh, P. and M. Woo. 1987. Soil heat flux, wetting front advance and ice layer growth in cold, dry snow covers. NRCC 140. Snow property measurements workshop. Kry, P. R. (Compiled by). Lake Louise, Alberta. National Research Council Canada, Ottawa. 497-524.
Marsh, P. 1987. Factors limiting snowmelt runoff in a permafrost environment. Proc. of 55th Western Snow Conference. Vancouver, B.C. 61-68.
Marsh, P. 1986. Modelling water levels for a lake in the Mackenzie Delta. Cold Regions Hydrology Symposium. Kane, Douglas L. (Editor). July 1986, Fairbanks, Alaska. American Water Resources Association, Bethesda, Maryland. 23-29.
Prowse, T. D. and P. Marsh. 1985. Hydrothermal decay of ice jams. Proc. of 42nd Eastern Snow Conference. Montreal, Quebec. 272-276.
Woo, M., P. Marsh, and P. Steer. 1983. Basin water balance in a continuous permafrost environment. Permafrost: Fourth International Conference, Proceedings. 1983, Fairbanks, Alaska. National Academy Press, Washington, D.C. 1407-1411.
Woo, M., R. Heron, and P. Marsh. 1981. Basal ice layers of very cold Arctic snowpacks. Proc. of 38th Eastern Snow Conference. June 1981, Syracuse, N.Y. 67-75.
Marsh, P. and M. Woo. 1979. Annual water balance of small high Arctic basins. Canadian Hydrology Symposium: 79 Proceedings. May 1979, Vancouver, B.C. National Research Council Canada, Associate Committee on Hydrology, Ottawa. 536-546.
Woo, M. and P. Marsh. 1977. Error analysis in the determination of snow storage for a small High Arctic basin. Second Conference on Hydrometeorology. October 1977, Toronto, Ontario. American Meteorological Society, Boston, Mass. 239-244.
Woo, M.k. and P. Marsh. 1977. Determination of snow storage for small eastern High Arctic basins. Proc. Of 34th Eastern Snow Conference. February, 1977, Belleville, Ontario. 147-162.
Marsh, P., C. Onclin, M. Russell, N. Neumann, and W. L. Quinton. 2000. Hydrological Data 1998-1999 Water Year: Trail Valley Creek Research Basin. NWRI, Saskatoon, Sk. 63 + CD.
Marsh, P., C. Onclin, M. Russell, N. Neumann, and W. L. Quinton. 2000. Hydrological Data, 1998-1999 Water Year: Havikpak Creek Research Basin. NWRI, Saskatoon, Sk. 51 pp + CD.
Marsh, P. 1998. Lakes and Water in the Mackenzie Delta. Scientific Report No. 6. The Aurora Research Institute, Inuvik, NWT. 15 pp.
Quinton, W. and P. Marsh. 1997. Hydrologic modelling in the zone of continuous permafrost at the Arctic treeline. Report to DIAND; NHRI Contribution Series No. 97005. National Hydrology Research Institute, Saskatoon. 110 pp.
Marsh, P., J. Pomeroy, A. Pietroniro, N. Neumann, and T. Nelson. 1997. Mapping regional snow distribution in northern basins – Inuvik area. Report to Indian and Northern Affairs Program; NHRI Contribution Series No. CS-97005. National Hydrology Research Institute, Saskatoon. 68 pp plus appendices.
Prowse, T. D., D. L. Peters, and P. Marsh. 1996. Modelling the water balance of Peace-Athabasca Delta perched basins. Report for: Peace-Athabasca Delta Technical Studies. National Hydrology Research Institute, Saskatoon. 77 pp plus appendices.
Peters, N. E., T. D. Davies, H. G. Jones, P. Marsh, J. W. Pomeroy, and M. Tranter. 1996. Snow accumulation and snow melt effects on nitrogen cycling in the boreal forest. in: Puckett, L.J. and Triska, F.J. (eds.) 1996,. U.S. Geological Survey Nitrogen-Cycling Workshop. U.S.Geological Survey Open-File Report 96-477. U.S. Geological Survey.
Marsh, P., J. Pomeroy, A. Pietroniro, and N. Neumann. 1996. Mapping regional snow distribution in northern basins – Inuvik area. Report to Indian and Northern Affairs Program. National Hydrology Research Institute, Saskatoon. 32 pp plus appendices.
Carmack, E. C., H. Melling, R. E. Stewart, P. Marsh, and G. M. Flato. 1996. Arctic System Climate Study (ACSYS): The Canadian National Science Plan. Institute for Ocean Science, Sydney. 59 pp.
Ahsmore, P.E., D.I. Bray, M.A. Church, and P. Marsh. 1995. The impact of climate change on fluvial processes in Canada. Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa. 74 pp.
Canadian GEWEX Science Committee. 1995. Canadian GEWEX Program: Science and Implementation Plan.
Marsh, P., J. Pomeroy, A. Pietroniro, and N. Neumann. 1995. Mapping regional snow distribution in Northern basins – Inuvik area. Report to Indian and Northern Affairs Program. National Hydrology Research Institute, Saskatoon. 23 pp plus appendices.
Marsh, P., J. Pomeroy, A. Pietroniro, and N. Neumann. 1994. Developing techniques for mapping regional snow distribution – Inuvik area. Report to Indian and Northern Affairs Program. National Hydrology Research Institute, Saskatoon. 23 pp. plus appendices.
Marsh, P. and T. D. Prowse. 1993. Hydrologic Regime of the Mackenzie Basin, Potential Modelling Approaches, and Future Research Needs for Addressing Climate Change Issues. In – Cohen, S. J. (Editor). Mackenzie Basin Impact Study: Interim Report #1. A.E.S. Downsview, Ontario. 37-49.
Marsh, P. and J. Pomeroy. 1993. Snow hydrology studies in boreal and tundra ecosystems. Bulletin of the GEWEX Secretariat, 1(1). National Hydrology Research Centre, Saskatoon. 3-6 pp.
Marsh, P. and L. Lesack. 1993. NHRI NOGAP report – 92/93: Delta Lake Sedimentation. Report to Inland Waters Directorate. National Hydrology Research Institute, Saskatoon. 6 pp.
Canadian GEWEX Science Committee. 1992. Canadian GEWEX Programme Science Plan. National Hydrology Research Centre, Saskatoon, 42pp.
Canadian GEWEX Science Committee. 1992. Canadian GEWEX Programme: A Conceptual Overview. G. McBean (Editor). National Hydrology Research Centre, Saskatoon, 25pp.
Marsh, P. and M. Hey. 1988. Mackenzie River water levels and the flooding of delta lakes. NHRI Contribution No. 88013. National Hydrology Research Institute, Saskatoon, Sask. 135 pp.
Marsh, P. and M. Ferguson. 1988. Sediment regime of lakes in the Mackenzie Delta. NHRI Contribution No. 88016. National Hydrology Research Institute, Saskatoon, Sask. 67 pp.Report for Northern Oil and Gas Assistance Program, Project C.11A, 67pp.
Marsh, P. 1985. Mackenzie Delta, Lake Hydrology Progress Report. NHRI Internal Report. National Hydrology Research Institute, Ottawa, Ontario. 28 pp.
Marsh, P. 1985. Liard River thermal regime, Fort Simpson, N.W.T. NHRI Internal Report . National Hydrology Research Institute, Ottawa, Ontario. 52 pp.
Marsh, P. 1978. Water. Initial Impact Assessment Dempster Corridor, Background Report I, Physical and Biological Environments – Dempster and Klondike Segments. Alaska Highway Pipeline Panel, Winnepeg, Manitoba. 113-188.
Woo, M.K. and P. Marsh. 1976. Hydrological Studies, South Central Ellesmere Island. Inland Waters Directorate, Environment Canada, 166pp. Ottawa. Ontario.